Monday, August 20, 2012

Ending Summer Skills Online 2012

Good morning!

Today we will closing down Summer Skills Online. Thank you all for your participation. Our incentive prizes will be given out when students return to school.

Our concluding activity is to solicit feedback about the program from parents and students. The link below will take you to a short survey where student, parents or both can provide feedback about the experience. The survey will be available until September 7, 2012.

On behalf of Nancy Hovorka and myself thank you for your participation this summer.

Steve Sokoloski

Monday, August 13, 2012

End of Summer!

Good Morning!

I just posted the answers to the Week 6 puzzles and quizzes. That means our summer is coming to an end and Summer Skills Online 2012 will be closing down. Our weekly lesson postings are done. However we will keep the site open and accepting weekly quiz submissions for another week.

On Monday August 20, Mrs. Hovorka and I will begin the work of closing down Summer Skills 2012. 

While you guys have a few more weeks of summer, we have to start getting things ready for the new school year and that means things like setting up classes for Study Island for all the new classes and teachers. We will keep the blog up and send out emails on the latest news but we will close down the the weekly quiz forms and certain parts of the site will no longer function.

We will pull all of the information together for our prize drawing and have our prizes ready to hand out right after the Labor Day Weekend. We will hand them out in school.

So, if you are a little behind because you were off at  camp or out visiting relatives that live far away, you have one week to catch up , and then sadly it is the end of summer.

Hope that some of you are taking on the challenge of the Steeplechase Bike Tour next Saturday. I will be riding so if you see me in the parking lot say hi!

Mr. Sokoloski

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 4 Begins

Week 4 Assignments are now posted and available. Answers to the Week 3 puzzle questions are also posted.

One thing that I wanted to mention here and in a blog post is that I am seeing quite a bit of activity in Study Island. We had about 30 students doing assignments and earning Blue Ribbons. Overall as a group we are averaging 81% correct in all assignments for Grade 4 students and Grade 5 students.

However, we only had about 10 students take the quiz. It is OK if you are a little behind, but don’t forget that each quiz you take increases your chances in the prize drawing. You guys are certainly working hard, so maximize your prize chances by taking those quizzes!

Good Luck!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 3 Begins!

Did you ever just have a week get away from you? You look back and have no idea that the time went by so fast. That was last week for me. I am not sure I could tell you one thing I did last week, but I looked up this morning and we are ready for Week 3 to begin!

Ok, first things first. Week 3 is up and ready to go.

I did promise some stats.

1) Here are some books we are reading:

I’m Talder Loewen, German Version of Magic Tree House: Lions at Lunchtime, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Penny the Pony Fairy, A Long Walk To Water,The Graveyard Book, World Cup, My Life is a Book, The Doll in the Garden, Mr. Burke is Berserk, Where The Mountain Meets the Moon, Our Universe, Faith, Hope, and Ivy June, Baseball Greats, Ghosts of Gribblesea Pier,  Potato Chip Puzzles, The Fire Within,  Sisters Grimm: Once upon a crime, Captain Underpants, Powerless, and Trouble According to Humphrey 

2) We got quiz results from Alex, Kishan, Madison, Anthony, Ryan, jannik, Deniel, Allison, Vernon, Cayden, Ruby, Zara, Zach, Emily, Sofiaand probably a couple more I missed or just came in.
3) In Study Island, as a group the Going Into Grade 4 class is averaging 84% correct in Math and 81% correct in English Language Arts. The Going Into Grade 5 class is averaging 78% correct in Math and 81% correct in English language Arts.

Good work everybody!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ending Week 1 and Start of Week 2

Good Evening!

The assignments for Week 2 have been posted and are ready to go. I will have bit more to say about the how we did as a group as well as some special "hoorays" for folks who did some great things during Week 1. There are still some folks finishing up assignments for the week and I want to give them until tomorrow before I dig in to all of the work.

I decided put the answers to the puzzle type questions on a special page on the web site. That way if you are a little behind because you were away you can still read the blog but have to make a choice to see the answers for the week. Look for the tab on the top of the page called "Quiz Answers".

Mr. Sokoloski